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  • Accounting and Finance major<br />
Class of 2016
  • Brian Kline ’15
  • Ryan Evans ’07
  • Julio Luevano ’16
  • Meet Claire

    Accounting and Finance major
    Class of 2016

Meet Claire
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@manchester news

Manchester inaugurates 15th president, Dave McFadden, in spirit of abundance
Dave McFadden ’82 was inaugurated as the 15th president in MU’s 125-year history, and he spoke often during his address about abundance and gratitude. ... read more

Jo Young Switzer awarded Sagamore of the Wabash at Students First! celebration
At a recent celebration of the highly successful Students First! campaign, President Emerita Jo Young ’69 Switzer was awarded the highest distinction in Indiana.. … read more

Give the gift of MU this holiday season
To make every wish list complete, pick up your Manchester University spirit items online at the Campus Store. Then enter the promo code ALUMNI14 at the checkout for a 20 percent discount!

Manchester named Indiana’s “Best Value” among regional colleges
The U.S.News & World Report named Manchester a “Best Value” in Indiana. MU was also recognized as a “Best College” in the Midwest for the 21st consecutive year. ... read more

MU’s new one-year program readies non-science grads for pharmacy, medical, other health careers
Manchester continues to offer innovative educational opportunities. With its new 12-month program, MU will prepare college graduates without a science degree to succeed in pharmacy, medical, dental, and other health care programs. ... read more

Manchester alumni receive Honor Awards

During Homecoming, the Alumni Association bestowed two MU graduates with the highest alumni recognition, the Alumni Honor Award, and two others with well-deserved young alumni awards. ... read more

We’re taking nominations for alumni awards
Our alumni never cease to amaze us, and we celebrate some of our finest each year with several different awards. If you would like to nominate a Manchester graduate for an award, please tell us why.

Wanted: Great alumni ambassadors
Members of the Alumni Association Board serve as ambassadors for the University among friends and classmates and help with the efforts of the Office of Alumni Relations. If you know someone who could serve the University well as a member of the Alumni Association Board or if you would like to serve on the board yourself, please let us know.

Help us update MU’s alumni directory
The Manchester University Alumni Association has partnered with Publishing Concepts, Inc. (PCI) to produce a new alumni directory. Over the winter months, PCI will contact Manchester alumni and friends via mail, phone and e-mail to ensure that your information is correct. When PCI calls, be assured that they are representing MU and please help us update the directory. Read more about PCI.

What a great birthday bash!
We had a great time with everyone who was able to help us celebrate 125 years of excellence during Homecoming 2014. If you were unable to attend, we missed you! See what you missed here!

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Manchester University Office of Alumni Relations | 888-257-ALUM (2586) |